jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010


ikea is a "great" place to buy for some reason:
-you think it isn´t too expensive, but it´s.
-you know the parking are gigant, but you don´t know everybody think and do the same, so you can´t park there.
-you buy the furn and you think they will bring it to your house which is far far far far... away, but they say it will cost you 5€ for parcel.
-you think you will set up the thing you have bought easily, but really you know it isn´t true.
so the men/woman who have go to ikea understand it and try to share their bad impresion with others and them believe they are exaggerating.
the fact is ALWAYS the same, according to everybody, all man in the world must go once on his life.
I have stay there and i´m going to tell you about the set up.
screws has very strangers names like swarsken choffer, vartenn gürten... , the instruccions are in English, French, Polish, and all the languages less Spanish and ALLWAYS IS FULL
so in my opinion, ikea is one of the worst thing made by men in the world.

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