martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

what i think about people who does dangerous sports (workbook page 8 (text))

my thoughness is very easy but i´m going to complicate it in order to fill about 200 words.

i think these people are mad, stupid, anormal, fool.... a person who is willing to death because of a sport can´t be in his right mind. they must be very interedted in sport and less in conservating his live, they prefer has a good body despite of loosing his unique, preciated, and maybe wonderfull life.
the sports are like bungee jumping, balconying, this link there are all the types

i´ve not definited what is a dangerous sport yet! there are all kinds of sports or leissure that can made someone some hurt, they need be strong physically but, also, psychically. exist some levels and rules, one is the max height you get (more than 100m--> level low); and climb more than 4 km (everest), level expert. too it depens of who does the sport, for example, if you are a person who has never climb, it´s a bigger risk for you.

there are some people whose unique job is giving stupid prices to the more stupid person (like darwing prices) i would include here the oscars but it seems people still believes in them

in conclusion, these people is stupid and might wants to die but, i think, there are better ways to do it like watching the full debate of "el estado de la nación" or visiting tuned today or another african country.

finally, with all these ravings i´ve filled 254 words

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