domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011


i´ve said before i´ll tall about him some day, isn´t it?. these day is today, so i´m going to criticize him.
first of all, his name doesn´t seem spanish, maybe he prefer it. a famous goverment will say he´s a unpatriotic but raphael is socialist, so......

secondly, his appearance, he looks like he is 30 years old or least. this is due to corporacion dermoestetica where everything is posible, it´s like leroy merlin, mekes your dreams true but something has fail: when he smile it looks raphahe/it would be 9*10^infinite years.

another curious thing is the fact that for the last 5 or 7 years he has been appearing on tv every christmas eve and always sing the same stupid and boring songs like the happyness hym and some more i don´t know because i fell sleept before. but my grandmother like it and all the rest have to load with he.

raphael was operated because his liver doesn´t work properly, why it will be? alcohol, drugs, sex....i think in some person better to get a liver, but we live in a pais that is moved by money, you can see it clearer in the pilitic.

in conclusion (this order is similar than the book´s one but it´s boring, it´s easier do it without order-this is a excuse to do more words) he is a thing that... (like would say bimbo)...he is a very weird person that should be far away from spain.

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